About ENT Clinic at BLK-MAX

The ENT Clinic at BLK-Max Hospital is the premier voice disorder clinic of Delhi providing comprehensive care for all kinds of voice disorders. The Clinic's Director Dr. (Brig) WVBS Ramalingam is a pioneer in phonosurgery or voice surgery in India. He is often invited as faculty to deliver guest lectures, live surgery demonstration and cadaveric demonstration at various phonosurgical workshops and conferences.
In addition to the voice disorders, Dr. Ramalingam is also a renowned Head and Neck Onco surgeon. He treats all kinds of Head and Neck Cancers with great expertise. He has carried out many difficult skull base surgeries including Endoscopic skull base surgeries. Dr. Ramalingam performs Endoscopic sinus surgery, surgery for snoring and sleep related breathing disorders and all kinds of Trans Oral Robotic Surgeries.

Profile : Dr. (Brig) WVBS Ramalingam

Dr (Brig) WVBS Ramalingam has a rich experience of 30 years in Armed Forces of India. He was an Associate Professor at Armed Forces Medical College, Pune, Professor at Army College of Medical Sciences, Delhi & Professor & HOD at Army Hospital (Research & Referral), New Delhi.
He is a Life member of Association of Otolaryngologists of India, Founder member of Foundation for Head & Neck Surgical Oncology, Life member of Association of Phonosurgeons of India & President, Laryngology & Voice Association.
His fellowships include 2 years in Head & Neck Oncosurgery at TATA Memorial Hospital Mumbai, Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center New York, CO2 Laser Surgery at University of Gottingen Germany, Phoniatrics at University of Freiburg Germany, Skullbase Surgery at University Hospital of Pittsburg and Head & Neck Cancer Surgery at Netherlands Cancer Institute, Amsterdam.
He is a Specialist in all kinds of Head & Neck Surgery, Phono or Voice Surgery, Skull base Surgery, CO2 Laser Surgery & Endoscopic Sinus Surgery including Endoscopic Skull base Surgery & All kinds of Ear Surgeries.


The ENT Dept at BLK-MAX was adjudged Best ENT & Cochlear Implant Dept in Delhi-NCR by Readers Digest, Readers Choice Award 2020 . The Services provided in the ENT Dept at BLK-MAX are enumerated below

Routine OPD

Get the best ENT treatment by Specialist ENT doctor & Head & Neck Surgeon at BLK-Max Super Speciality Hospital.

Emergency Services

The Ambulance number of BLX-Max Super Speciality Hospital is 9910445789, which is always operational and readily available to serve you.

Ear Surgery

Ear Surgery can improve the shape, position & proportion of the ear. It can also correct a birth defect of the ear structure.

Nose Surgery

Nose Surgery is commonly used in the treatment of sinus disorders that cannot be resolved with medication & lifestyle changes.

Throat Surgery

Throat Surgery is used to solve throat problems like vocal cord disorders, Tonsillitis & swallowing disorders.

Head & Neck Surgery

This surgery can treat a variety of problems of Head & Neck which include thyroid problems, sinus disorders and Head & Neck cancer.

Speciality Services

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Children under the age of three average one to two ear infections a year. These occur when fluid becomes trapped in the middle ear following a viral or bacterial infection. Younger children are most susceptible because their Eustachian tubes are short and still developing, making them prone to swelling and blockages.

The majority of ear infections will run their course in about a week. Pain can be managed with over-the-counter medications, eardrops, and warm compresses. If a bacterial infection is the cause, antibiotics are prescribed. Children who experience chronic ear infections may benefit from ear tubes.

A large number of people suffer from sinus infections in the country. It occurs when the lining of the sinuses becomes inflamed and swollen. This may result in nasal obstruction, infection, cause sinus pain or pressure, nasal congestion and discharge. If medical treatment is ineffective, surgery may be an option.

Hoarseness is the result of irritation of the larynx (voice box). The most common causes are upper respiratory infections, gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) and postnasal drip. If the condition persists longer than four to six weeks, see a doctor to rule out anything more serious, such as nodules, tumors or vocal cord paralysis.

Snoring is common. Forty-five percent of adults snore occasionally, and twenty-five percent are habitual snorers. Snoring occurs when the tissues in the throat vibrate. Lifestyle modifications such as losing weight, sleeping on your side instead of your back and avoiding alcohol before bedtime may help. Surgery may also be an option. Snoring is often associated with obstructive sleep apnea, a dangerous medical condition.

Obstructive Sleep Apnea (OSA) is a condition in which an individual’s breathing stops periodically during sleep. These episodes can last ten seconds or longer and may occur hundreds of times each night, preventing restorative sleep and leading to daytime fatigue, irritability and memory or concentration problems. OSA increases the risk of heart attack, stroke, high blood pressure and diabetes.

Symptoms of hearing loss include difficulty understanding what others are saying, asking people to repeat themselves, struggling to hear in crowded places with distracting background noise, perceiving that others are mumbling or not speaking clearly, listening to the television or radio at a higher volume than others and experiencing a ringing or buzzing in the ears. You may find yourself withdrawing from social situations in order to avoid conversation and also might experience depression.

1) Do get your ears and hearing checked regularly.
2) Do go to a professional to have excessive ear wax removed.
3) Do use earplugs to protect your hearing around loud sounds.
4) Do dry your ears after showering or swimming.
5) Do stay physically active. Staying physically active helps keep the heart and circulation system healthy, which helps keeps your ears healthy.

1) Don’t put cotton swabs in your ear canal.
2) Don’t crank up your headphones.
3) Don’t ignore pain or drainage from your ears — go to a doctor.
4) Don’t smoke. Smoking is known to affect hearing through the circulation system.
5) Don’t assume hearing loss is just for older people.


Location of BLK-MAX Hospital