
Cancer of the larynx or throat cancer is the second most common cancer of Head and Neck cancers. It is the 14th most common cancer in men but is much rarer among women. Men are affected 4-5 times more often than women.
Risk Factors :-
1. Heavy smoking, heavy alcohol consumption ( both have synergistic effect)
2. Poor dentition are also the principle risk factors for head and neck cancers
3. Human Papillomavirus (HPV) is also associated with an increased risk of oral, pharyngeal and laryngeal cancer
4. Certain occupational hazards like exposure to Formal dehyde, Asbestos, Nickel. Diesel fumes etc also have been implicated

Symptoms & Examination



1. Chronic hoarseness or change of voice
2. Chronic sore throat and throat pain
3. Dysphagia or pain in swallowing food
4. Lump or swelling in neck
5. Chronic persistent cough, Ear ache
6. Breathlessness, Weakness, Weight loss, coughing out blood

1. Examination by ENT Specialist or Head and Neck Onco surgeon
2. Examination of neck to see if there is any palpable lymph node
3. Examination of Oral cavity and Indirect and direct laryngoscopy

Investigations & Treatment Modalities


Treatment Modalities

1. Fine needle aspiration cytology from swelling in neck if any
2. Direct laryngoscopy and biopsy under general anaesthesia to confirm diagnosis
3. CT Scan/ MRI Scan and Pet Scan
4. X-Ray chest, Ultra sound of neck and abdomen

1. Early stage cancers can be treated with Radiotherapy or surgery depending upon the location of tumor
2. Advanced tumors can be treated with either Chemotherapy combined with Radiotherapy depending on the site of tumour or Total laryngectomy followed by chemo-Radiotherapy

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