Snoring & Sleep Related Disorders

About 30% to 40% people snore sometime or the other. People who snore loudly are often ridiculed, but truly speaking snoring is not a laughing matter. While loud disruptive snoring is a known social problem that may strain relationships, for many men, women and even children, loud habitual snoring may signal a potentially life threatening disorder: Obstructive Sleep Apnea or OSA

What is Obstructive Sleep Apnea (OSA)?

In people who snore, sometimes breathing ceases or gets interrupted for few seconds before regaining the normal pattern. These breathing pauses typically last between 10 to 20 seconds and are known as "Aponec Spells" and can occur upto hundreds of times a night, jolting you out of your natural sleep rhythm. Sleep Apnea is fairly common. One in five adults have at-least mild sleep apnea and one in 15 adults have at-least moderate sleep apnea. OSA also affects 1% to 3% of children.
During sleep, the upper airway can be obstructed by excess tissue, large tonsils, Adenoids in children and sometimes a large tongue. Also contributing to the problem may be the airway muscles, which relax and collapse during sleep, nasal passages, and the position of the jaw. As a consequence, when you get up in the morning you feel groggy and no longer feel fresh and often falling asleep during day sometimes leading to road traffic accidents while driving a vehicle.

Sleep Apnea : Signs & Symptoms

It is not possible for the person to notice sleep apnea. He or she should ask the bed partner to observe his / her sleep habits or by recording oneself during sleep.

Major Signs & Symptoms

Other Common Signs & Symptoms

1. Loud & chronic snoring
2. Choking, snorting or gasping during sleep
3. Long pauses in breathing
4. Daytime Sleepiness, no matter how much time you spend in bed

1. Getting up with a dry mouth or sore throat
2. Morning headaches
3. Restless or fitful sleep
4. Insomnia or frequently getting up at night
5. Going to the toilet frequently at night
6. Forgetfulness and difficulty in concentrating

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